Girish Johar, Balaji Motion Pictures confirmed saying "Mind blowing response to the first look and teaser. In just about 180 minutes, we have got 1, 21,453 views... these are huge numbers."
Vidya is looking hot and sexy in deep neck red blouse and red lipstick. The foremost teaser of Balaji Motion Pictures' Milan Luthria directed, The Dirty Picture, is out. Reportedly based on the iconic sex symbol of the 80s, the late Silk Smitha, the film clutchs the look of that era. And not surprisingly theNaseruddin Shah, Vidya Balan, Tusshar Kapoor and Emraan Hashmi starrer has got some amazing instant response.
The film is set to release Dec 2, the birth anniversary of Silk Smitha, who became a symbol of sensuality after featuring in bold and semi-nude roles.
The film is set to release Dec 2, the birth anniversary of Silk Smitha, who became a symbol of sensuality after featuring in bold and semi-nude roles.
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