Saturday, 19 November 2011

Joint Entrance Examination, IIT-JEE, Schedule on April 8, 2012.

The Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) are institutions of national importance established through an Act of Parliament for development excellence in education. There are fifteen IITs at present, located in Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Delhi, Gandhinagar, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Jodhpur, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Mandi, Mumbai, Patna, Ropar and Roorkee.

Each institute has well-equipped modern laboratories, state-of-the-art computer network and well-stocked technical library. Teaching methods rely on direct personal contact between the teachers and the students, and the use of traditional and modern instructional techniques. Students live in a pleasant and intellectually stimulating environment with people having similar goals and aspirations, which is an exciting and unique experience.

These institutions offer courses leading to Bachelor’s degree in a number of engineering, technological and scientific disciplines. Integrated M.Sc. courses in pure and applied sciences and Integrated M.Tech. courses in a few disciplines are also offered by some of these Institutions. In addition, some IITs offer Dual-Degree M.Tech. programmes, wherein both B.Tech. and M.Tech. degrees are awarded.

Admission to the Undergraduate Programmes at these institutions for all Indian and Foreign nationals is made through a Joint Entrance Examination, IIT-JEE. Schedule of IIT-JEE 2012 given below. The examination will be held on Sunday, April 8, 2012.

Paper 1: 09.00 to 12.00 hrs (IST)

Paper 2: 14.00 to 17.00 hrs (IST)

The schedule will remain unchanged even if the above date is declared a public holiday.

Type of Examination

There will be two question papers, each of three hours duration. Both the question papers will consist of three part sections on Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. The questions will be of objective type, planned to test comprehension, reasoning and analytical ability of candidates.

The answers for each of the questions are to be marked on a part, specifically premeditated, machine-gradable sheet of paper (Optical Response Sheet). While answering each of the questions the candidate is expected to darken the bubbles against correct answers using black ball point pen only.

During several parts, wrong answers may be awarded negative marks.

Candidates who registered & filled the online application form for IIT-JEE 2012
before 10:15 AM on 31/10/2011 MUST register & fill the
online application form once again.

For Application and other information click at link:IIT-JEE 2012


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